
The Department of Tourism at the University of Otago is very proud to host the 17th World Leisure Congress in Dunedin, and invite you to partner with us. The Congress brings together leisure professionals from academia, government and industry from around the world to promote informative, stimulating and challenging discussions on the latest issues in leisure, including tourism, events, hospitality, recreation, and sport (active and passive, indoor and outdoor).

The theme of the Congress is ‘LEISURE: Learn well, live well'. As the world continues to deal with the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and its impacts on well-being, leisure in our lives is of crucial importance to help us learn and live well. It is within this context that “Learn Well” reflects how we learn through leisure and the strong education focus in Dunedin, which is home to one of the world’s leading universities’. “Live Well” reflects how leisure contributes to individual and community wellbeing at local, regional, and international levels.

Together, these components of the Congress theme speak to the relevance and application of academic leisure theory and research to the practice of living well, and refer to academic, industry and practitioners alike.

Delegates will have many opportunities to learn from a wide variety of stakeholders (local and national government, industry, not-for-profit organisations) about initiatives related to all aspects of leisure.

The Congress will also give everyone working and researching in the leisure field the opportunity to come together to reflect on what we have learned and begin to chart where we want leisure research and the position of leisure and the leisure industry in people’s lives to be moving beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. The opportunities are immense and the Congress offers a unique moment in which to begin to grasp them.

We invite you to download the prospectus below and look forward to working with you to achieve a successful congress.

For more information on sponsorship opportunities, please contact:

Claire Bark
Conference Innovators
P - +64 9 972 2034
M - +64 27 414 8714
E - claire@conference.nz